La Spezia Italy
Project Natali Building
Panel Bricktile e calcium sulphate
Top finish porcelain tile and parquet bamboo
4.000 mq

The area of ​​a disused refinery in La Spezia has been the subject of a complex operation of urban regeneration,  with the aim of introducing new production plants, handicraft, service sector and retail shops. Natali Building project is the study of MMAA Manfroni and Associates. The building has a linear volume growth of four floors, and its horizontal trend is highlighted by the design of windows and panels. The hall of the building is marked by a empty space up to the ceiling and it contains the stairs that are located against the concrete walls. With this design it was possible to obtain different types of workplaces, from the more traditional, often characterized by transparent partition systems up to those characterized by open spaces with large common work areas. In the various floors have been designed and completed luxury offices, special care has been taken in the choice of furniture, materials and finishes. In the office areas have been installed 3.000 square meters PETRAL raised floorsBRICKTILE with porcelain stoneware finish and Calcium Sulphate with bamboo parquet finish.

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